The Sustainability Academy Podcast
30 by 30: Challenge and Opportunity for the Finance Industry
“30 by 30” represents the ambition to protect 30% of Earth’s land, fresh water, and oceans by 2030.
The Sustainability Academy Podcast
“30 by 30” represents the ambition to protect 30% of Earth’s land, fresh water, and oceans by 2030.
You can listen to this episode of The Sustainability Academy and catch future episodes by subscribing on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you may listen.
In this episode, host and Bain Partner Dr. Stefan Wörner welcomes Marianne Kleiberg, head of Europe at The Nature Conservancy, and Sam Israelit, head of Bain & Company’s Environment Practice. The topic of this episode is “financing 30 by 30.”
“30 by 30” represents the ambition to protect 30% of Earth’s land, fresh water, and oceans by 2030. In this episode, we discuss the role the finance industry can play in achieving this goal and to what degree 30 by 30 also represents a business opportunity for the finance industry.
In each episode of "The Sustainability Academy Podcast", we’ll address key aspects of sustainability for the business world. Hosts Jana Kremer-Homann and Stefan Wörner will welcome special guests from around the world who will bring their insights and expertise to each topic.