Healthcare M&A 2021: The Divestitures Playbook
Bain’s Jeff Haxer and Mayuri Shah share how healthcare companies can navigate the complexities of divestitures, carve-outs, and spinoffs.
Bain’s Jeff Haxer and Mayuri Shah share how healthcare companies can navigate the complexities of divestitures, carve-outs, and spinoffs.
This year has been defined by a flurry of M&A activity, including an increase in divestitures, carve-out acquisitions, and spinoffs in healthcare. Jeff Haxer and Mayuri Shah, partners in Bain’s Healthcare practice, describe how companies can take advantage of the recent boom and spur growth by adapting their full-asset acquisition approach.
Bain’s Jeff Haxer and Mayuri Shah discuss the themes propelling deal activity in the first half of the year.