Debra 전문 분야 지속 가능성 및 기업의 사회적 책임 Wealth & Asset Management 사모펀드 Recent Insights “A Private Equity Lens on the Energy Transition,” Global Private Equity Report, 2023년2월27일, Report “Sustainability and ESG in 2023,” Brief, 2022년12월20일 “How ESG Could Reshape the Real Economy,” Dry Powder: The Private Equity Podcast, 2022년9월23일, Podcast “How ESG Went from a Focal Point to a Flash Point,” Dry Powder: The Private Equity Podcast, 2022년9월16일, Podcast “Decarbonization: How Private Equity Can Make It Work,” Brief, 2022년9월16일 In the News “Devil in the data: Pressure is on for ESG investors to enhance disclosures,” Euromoney, 2022년8월12일, Euromoney “Businesses Urge SEC to Consider Mergers in Climate-Disclosure Rule,” Wall Street Journal, 2022년7월11일, Wall Street Journal “Startups promise to track emissions — how well is unclear,” Axios, 2022년3월22일, Axios “Bain Appoints Debbie McCoy as Partner in its Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Practice,” ESG Today, 2021년6월8일, ESG Today “Artificial intelligence is transforming a $22.9 trillion investing strategy – but the cutting-edge technology comes with a new set of problems,” Business Insider, 2019년1월30일, Business Insider