Chris 전문 분야 Hardware Semiconductors 기술 텔레콤 Innovation & Design Vector℠ 어드밴스드 애널리틱스 Data and Analytics Transformation Experimentation at Scale Software Value Creation Recent Insights “How to Focus Talent Analytics on the Right Goals ,” Brief, 2021년3월1일 “Are You Ready for the New Era of Consumer Data? ,” Brief, 2020년10월2일 “Sustainability Is the Next Digital,” Brief, 2020년9월8일 “What to Do Now That Your Demand Forecast Is Wrong,” Brief, 2020년4월7일 “Solving the Advanced Analytics Talent Problem,” MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019년10월3일, Article In the News “Will your next new co-worker be a robot? Automation is hitting office jobs in Chicago,” Chicago Tribune, 2017년9월9일, Chicago Tribune “Why scientists want AI regulated now before it's too late,” YahooTech, 2017년7월4일, YahooTech