優れたデジタル戦略は、現在のニーズと将来の機会の双方をバランス良く反映した設計となっています。べインは「今から将来に向けた視点」と「将来を起点に逆算して考える視点」の双方を備えたBain Radar 360 Strategy®のアプローチを用いて、企業が目に見える利益を早期に生み出し、この先のデジタル時代で躍進できるよう支援します 。
優れたデジタル戦略は、現在のニーズと将来の機会の双方をバランス良く反映した設計となっています。べインは「今から将来に向けた視点」と「将来を起点に逆算して考える視点」の双方を備えたBain Radar 360 Strategy®のアプローチを用いて、企業が目に見える利益を早期に生み出し、この先のデジタル時代で躍進できるよう支援します 。
Our "Today Forward, Future Back" approach to digital strategy helps our clients bring order from the chaos of current digital efforts and decide how to win in the future.
Using Agile thinking, we can help you revive stalled digital projects and accelerate completion of your other digital priorities
Begin the journey to your digital future today, by using stepping-stones, discrete projects that are conceived and launched in a logical sequence
Our digital strategy consultants will help you see where your industry will be 5, 10 and even 15 years from now, so you can determine how to compete and win
Our “Today Forward, Future Back” approach lets you course correct as conditions change, so you move from one stepping stone to the next without losing momentum
The future is unfolding more quickly and unpredictably than ever before. Disruption and innovation are redefining entire industries virtually overnight. Profit pools are shifting. Customer habits and expectations are changing. Ecosystems are evolving, and regulations are intensifying. To thrive amid these profound changes you need a strategy that meets today's challenges and seizes tomorrow's opportunities.
Our approach to digital strategy is built with this new reality firmly in mind. It’s a rigorous, battle-tested and proven approach to strategy development and implementation that will position you to thrive amid disruption. Combining our nearly five decades of industry-leading experience with advanced analytics, powerful digital tools, a vast array of complementary capabilities, and an extensive ecosystem of best-of-breed partners, our digital experts will help you win today and in the future. This powerful approach is one reason why we’ve been recognized as a digital "pacesetter" in ALM Intelligence's 2022-2023 report, not to mention a leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Digital Strategy Consulting Services 2021 Vendor Assessment.
Technology & Digital Solutions: Our team of digital consultants and technical experts, leverage engineering, AI, and data science to build and scale tech solutions, digital platforms, and more.
Learn MoreDigital projects we've conducted across industries and geographies
Diverse, in-house team members that are a part of VectorSM and its family of capabilities
Ecosystem partners, start-ups and venture capital partners that provide access to cutting-edge insights and capabilities
Hear expert commentary from one of the world's largest digital conferences, and dive into our annual technology report to see what 2021 will hold for the Tech industry