Press release
BOSTON – March 4, 2025 – Bain & Company has appointed Eduardo Roma to lead its global Customer Experience (CX) solutions. This move enables the firm to build upon its long-held position as the industry leader in customer centricity.
“The CX industry is at an important inflection point,” said Eduardo Roma, Bain & Company’s global head of Customer Experience. “While the core principles of loyalty have endured, the evolution of generative AI and shifting customer expectations demand new strategies. Bain has redefined how businesses gather, analyze, and act on customer feedback, pioneering innovative tools and early adoption of AI-driven solutions to transform engagement. I look forward to partnering with our clients to ensure they remain at the cutting edge as this dynamic field continues to change.”
Eduardo, a 16-year Bain veteran, is a partner in Bain’s London office and currently leads the firm’s Customer practice in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). He brings more than two decades of experience in the customer and financial services industries, advising CEOs and their teams on issues including sales and marketing, digital transformation, innovation, and operating model design. In this new position, Eduardo will remain focused on his clients in addition to playing a leadership role across the global practice.
“Bain has long set the standard for how companies build loyalty and capture value, and we’ve continuously evolved to stay ahead of the curve,” said Darci Darnell, head of Bain & Company’s global Customer practice. “Eduardo’s leadership, deep industry expertise, and strategic vision made him the ideal choice for this role. His ability to drive CX transformation, adapt new technologies, and connect the latest solutions with evolving market needs will be instrumental in this new chapter of our firm’s client offerings.”
Editor's Note: For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact: Katie Ware, Bain & Company, tel. +1 646 562 8107, email:
A proposito di Bain & Company
Bain & Company è l’azienda di consulenza globale che aiuta le aziende change-makers più ambiziose a definire il proprio futuro. Con 65 uffici in 40 paesi, lavoriamo insieme ai nostri clienti come un unico team con un obiettivo condiviso: raggiungere risultati straordinari che superino i concorrenti e ridefiniscano gli standard del settore. L’approccio consulenziale di Bain è altamente personalizzato e integrato e, grazie alla creazione di un ecosistema di innovatori digitali, assicura ai clienti risultati migliori e più duraturi, in tempi più brevi. Il nostro impegno a investire oltre 1 miliardo di dollari in 10 anni in servizi pro bono mette il nostro talento, la nostra competenza e le nostre conoscenze a disposizione delle organizzazioni che affrontano le sfide di oggi in materia di istruzione, equità razziale, giustizia sociale, sviluppo economico e ambiente. Fondata nel 1973 a Boston, in Italia ha celebrato il trentennale nel 2019: la sua approfondita competenza e il portafoglio di clienti si estendono a ogni settore industriale ed economico e in Italia la rendono leader di mercato.
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