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Geoffroy Descamps



À propos de Geoffroy


  • Customer-led data and technology transformation specialist.
  • Enterprise technology specialist.
  • 20+ years of consulting experience across Asia, North America and Europe.

Geoffroy Descamps leads our Enterprise Technology practice in Southeast Asia as well as our Vector agenda for Private Equity clients across Asia Pacific. He is also a member of our Financial Services pracitce.

Geoffroy has 20 years of experience shaping technology-enabled transformations. His expertise includes establishing and delivering large-scale customer journey-led technology and analytics transformations, devising new digital business models, and understanding new technologies to solve business problems.

For private equity clients, Geoffroy works across the deal life cycle on technology and digital value creation opportunities. This includes analyzing tech architecture, tech stacks and talent for potential risks and opportunities before acquisition, and leading digital transformation initiatives post-acquisition.

Prior to Bain, Geoffroy was a managing director for a global technology consulting firm, most recently as the Financial Service Strategy Lead for Southeast Asia.

Geoffroy holds an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from INP-ENSEEIHT.

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