Infographic As Banks’ Retention Efforts Stall, Focus On High-Value Customers By using advanced analytics guided by five principles, banks can activate targeted customers to improve their economics and strengthen relationships. Par Philipp Baecker, Mario Conde, Darci Darnell, Sumit Narayanan, et Markus Bergmann 8 septembre 2021 Infographic As Banks’ Retention Efforts Stall, Focus On High-Value Customers en Read more How Analytics Can Deepen Banks’ Customer Relationships Activating high-value customers beats pursuing raw retention goals. Auteurs Philipp Baecker Associé, Frankfurt Mario Conde Associé, Amsterdam Darci Darnell Associé, Chicago Sumit Narayanan Alumni, Singapore Markus Bergmann Associé, Munich Contactez-nous First published in septembre 2021 Mots clés Banking Customer Experience Customer Insights & Segmentation Customer Loyalty in Banking Loyauté Client Net Promoter System® NPS Prism® Services Financiers Stratégie Client et Marketing